John Veall & Son, Gas Engineers
01724 856752​
Prices from 1st April, 2024
Service Domestic Appliances:
Central Heating Boiler: £70
Fire: £70
Cooker: £65
Fire/Back Boiler Unit: £70
Combination Boiler: £70
Condensing Boiler: £70
Central Heating Boiler & separate Fire: £110
Combination Boiler & & separate Fire: £110
Fire/Back Boiler Unit & separate Fire: £110
Central Heating Boiler & 2 separate Fires: £150
Additional appliances serviced on the same visit: £40 each
A £5 surcharge is charged for all out of town calls.
All prices include VAT at 20%
Landlords safety inspections:
Landlords safety inspection (x 1 appliance): £70
Landlords safety inspection (x 2 appliances): £75
Landlords safety inspection (x 3 appliances): £90
Landlords safety inspection + service (x 1 appliance): £85
Landlords safety inspection + service (x 2 appliances): £110
Landlords safety inspection + service (x 3 appliances): £150
A £5 surcharge is charged for all out of town calls.
All prices include VAT at 20%
Fit Cooker (including corgi notification): From £70
Disconnect Cooker: £50
Fit Fire (including corgi notification): From £70
Disconnect Fire: POA
Fit central heating boiler: POA
A £5 surcharge is charged for all out of town calls.
All prices include VAT at 20%
Gas Work Notification
Gas Safe will need to be notified of any gas appliance installation or exchange within a residential dwelling.